Nothing is more important than experience:
Eileen Chen is a specialist of women’s health. In China, she studied under
world-renowned masters of Chinese traditional medicine, specializing in women’s
health and fertility. More than half of her current patients are being treated
for a fertility related disorder. Her broad experience has led to a high rate of
success, helping over 200 couples conceive and carry through to term.

We can significantly increase your chances of conception if your
infertility is due to:
- Endometriosis
- Irregular and Annovulatory
Menstrual Cycles
- Luteal Phase Defect LPD
- Pelvic Inflammatory
Disease PID
- Premature Ovarian Failure POF
- Polycystic Ovarian
Syndrome PCOS
- Stress
- Poor Egg Quality
- Thin and Unresponsive
- Cervical / Uterine Factors
- Immunological Factors
Fallopian Tube Factors
- Ovulation Factors
Acupuncture is able to increase the chances of pregnancy through natural
conception, IVF, IUI, and other ARTs because it has been clinically shown to:
- Regulate and stabilize hormone levels
- Help produce more follicles
Increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries by lowering impedence
- Thicken
the endometrial lining
- Reduce the chance of miscarriage
Strengthen the immune system and the overall health of the body
- Reduce
- Absorb nutrients and maintain ideal weight
- Faciliate
- Improve the quality of sleep
- Have NO side effects -
does not introduce toxicity to you and your baby
We have compiled a
and answer
on acupuncture for infertility. If you have any additional questions that
you would like answered please email it to The Q&A will be updated again in the near future! We urge you to look through
published scientific literature, and some of the testimonials from our past

New York, NY 2013
Eileen Chen is a experienced and patient therapist. I was not having periods for more than 6-8 months and my menstrual cycle was irregular. I was diagnosed with PCOS and Hypothyroidism. She was recommended to me as someone who specializes in PCOS and infertility. I started getting regular acupuncture sessions from her and with her expertise, Eileen helped in restoring my normal periods. I conceived naturally within months of getting a normal cycle and now I have a healthy baby boy! I again started having problems with my menstrual cycle after a year of delivery and went back to her. My periods have resumed their normal pattern!
Eileen is not dismissive of Western medicine and will often work with the line of treatment suggested by the doctor. She will also honestly tell you what may not work but will guide you in meeting your health goals. Her hours are very convenient and the office staff is friendly. EIleen is an expert in dealing with reproductive and gynaecological issues and I highly recommend her.
BB, NYC, New York 2012

New York, NY 2012

New York, NY 2012

New York, NY 2012

-New York, NY 2010 |

New York, NY 2010 |

New York, NY 2009
At 37 I was told by one of NY’s Top Doctors (as rated by NY Magazine) for Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility, that I had (at best) about a year to conceive a child of my own as my ovaries were failing and my eggs were aging. Thankfully, he was wrong. I delivered my beautiful and healthy son on 6/22/09, conceived naturally with Dr. Chen’s help. I’m 42 years old. My experience with Dr. Chen was truly remarkable. Over the course of several months, she changed my menstrual cycle, regulated my hormones and prepared my body for conception- something the Western medical doctors were not able to do. Acupuncture works. Be patient and follow Dr. Chen’s instructions. Have treatments as frequently as your time and budget will allow, and you have as good a chance (if not better) of conceiving naturally, as you do conceiving through fertility treatments. Thank you Dr. Chen and God Bless! I will be back when I’m ready to try for #2!
Regards, Kerri C.
New York, NY

New York, NY 2009
Dear Dr. Chen,
I am happy to tell you that our son - Oliver Luka - was born on October 17. He is healthy and beautiful, and after four miscarriages we can hardly believe that he is here. When I came to you for acupuncture I didn't know what to do - whether to give up or to persevere. You saw me through a fourth pregnancy loss and you were a huge reason why I kept trying. My weekly appointment with you was an oasis from worry and gave me hope each time, and for this I cannot thank you enough. I also believe very much that your treatments helped to bring him here.
CBN 11/2011 New York, NY
Dear Dr Chen,
My husband and I would like to thank you for helping us on our fertility journey. Thanks to you we are now proud parents of a wonderful baby boy, born on 7/11/11, weighing 7 lbs 6 oz and measuring 21 inches.
It was a tough and stressful journey before we met you. We tried all the options available through western medicine - unfortunately none of the worked. I was told that my chances of conceiving at all were very slim - it was hearbreaking to hear that. We had almost given up when we heard about you and came to you for help. You have been extremely supportive and encouraging. Right from the beginning you told me that I would be able to conceive naturally with the help of acupuncture. You were calm and patient with me and encouraged me to have a positive attitude. You told me not to give up and you were so right ! I am glad we listened to you. It took some time (more than a year) since I was so stressed out but in the end it worked out. We conceived naturally and have been blessed with a wonderful boy.
I am now a firm believer of acupuncture. The acupuncture sessions I had with you were so relaxing. Even before I became pregnant, I could sense a subtle change in myself due to the acupuncture sessions. I had more stamina, more energy and I was more relaxed and calm. You have been wonderful throughout with your encouraging words and patient but positive attitude.
God bless and thank you once again for our miracle baby!
NN 11/2011 New York, NY
New York, NY 06/2011
Dr. Chen was wonderful. She has such a calming presence that I found helped me to relax during the treatments. I had a miscarriage in December 2009 and had been trying to conceive since February 2010. I came to Dr. Chen the end of May and conceived the following month. All I can say is that I was able to achieve my goal and if acupuncture and the herbs I took helped, then I have Dr. Chen to thank.
Susan 9/2/2010 New York, NY
After having one miscarriage and failing to get pregnant 8 months later – I decided to see Dr. Chen while on Clomid. I found Dr. Chen on the internet just doing research on acupuncture and infertility. I immediate felt I was in the right place upon speaking to Dr. Chen. She is extremely knowledgeable about the human body and the ways in which works. Dr. Chen recommended that I see her 2Xs a week which I initially thought was a lot (and expensive). I got pregnant the FIRST month I started treatment! I couldn’t believe after so many months of trying. I gave birth to a perfect baby boy on 8/8/09.
Dr. Chen also helped me go into labor! I was a week late and was going to be induced if I didn’t start to labor on my own. I went to see Dr. Chen and went into labor 14 hours after my treatment.
We are trying for We are trying for baby #2 and of course, I am back to seeing Dr. Chen weekly.
She is wonderful and I HIGHLY recommend her services to any woman having difficulty conceiving
Anonymous Patient, New York, NY.
I’m a big believer in Western medicine, so when my wife, who is 28 and suffers
from PCOS was unable to conceive, we quickly found a celebrity OBGYN who assured
us that my wife would respond to Clomid and Progesterone (which my wife tried in
increasing doses for three months). The hormones had no effect on my wife other
than giving her hot flashes, making her EXTREMELY moody, and making her gain
weight. The doctor eventually told us to see a specialist.
We then researched the best infertility specialist we could find; someone
affiliated with a prestigious hospital and a publisher of numerous books on
infertility. After a barrage of tests, he eventually concluded that the only
“safe” option was IVF (and an even greater dose of hormones).
When my wife suggested that we try acupuncture, I had many doubts. A close
friend who is a medical doctor told me that it was a waste of money. Another
friend whose wife also suffered from PCOS told us not to waste our time and to
go to their specialist who was successful after a year of hormone therapy and
When we met with Dr. Chen, I was immediately struck by the fact that she looked
at things the other doctors ignored. She commented on my wife’s feet and the
lack of curvature in her lower back as well as the temperature of her body at
various points. We began a twice-a-week treatment in conjunction with special
exercises, massages, and various other recommendations by Dr. Chen. Just two
days after the very first acupuncture treatment, my wife’s basal body
temperature began to rise. After five weeks of treatment, my wife found out that
she was pregnant!
In addition to being the only doctor that was able to help my wife conceive, Dr.
Chen was also extremely professional, kind, knowledgeable, and reassuring,
explaining everything she was doing and being completely frank and honest with
us from the very first meeting. She kept repeating that she was going to help my
wife heal herself, which seemed like a much purer and more natural way to
approach my wife’s condition. While I had my doubts in the beginning, I am now
the BIGGEST believer in acupuncture - Thank you so much Dr. Chen for everything!
You are brilliant!
H. H. 2/25/2010 New York, NY
We started seeing Ms. Zhao since November 2008, I was 34 years old and we have
been trying on our own for a year. My FSH were fluctuating very high levels, at
one point, it reaches 125 prior to acupuncture. Which puzzles my obgyn and my
MD. My husband encouraged me to go see Ms. Zhao after seeing the reviews on her
website. We researched other acupuncturist, but nobody seems to be more straight
forward and caring than her. When we asked if we need chinese herbs to
compliment the treatment, she dismissed it until we know what is really wrong
with me. At that point we knew that she is not trying to sell us any ‘service
package’ or anything else unnecessary unlike other acupuncture center we read.
We try to go regularly every week for her treatment, and within the first month,
my FSH was lower than 15 and stayed consistent. She advised us to eat healthy
and try to not stress out, which is a hard thing to do. She asked my husband to
help me on the exercise that she taught to me to do at home and also to give me
a simple massage. We are very lucky, with Ms. Zhao and my husband’s patience and
support; in June 2009 we found out that we are pregnant. are pregnant. searched on the web for acupuncturist in NY and liked the website
of Acupuncture for Natural Healing. I told myself that I would try it out and if
it wasn't as good as my old acupuncturist, and I would return to her, no harm
When I entered the premises I noticed a woman doing someWhen I entered the premises I noticed a woman doing some exercises in the
waiting room. Immediately, I felt a sense that this place was going to be
better. After speaking with Dr. Chen, I left the place feeling really good. I
was still doubtful whether it would work of not, but I felt it was a better fit
than my previous place.
I had decided that I would continue for 2 months of acupuncture and then try my
last of IVF cycle. I do not have to explain to those who have tried these
procedures how arduous the process is, how you lose your mind during the
imbalances of drugs. I needed a break and was prepared to do whatever it took. of acupuncture treatment, and exercises, I became pregnant.
I am still shocked by this outcome, as I have not gone through an IFV cycle. How
could this happen?
The only explanation that I have is the with the exercises and accupucture, my
body was able to heal itself into a healthier state. To all of you and the
desperately trying to conceive. Do not give up, try these treatments before you
do. It is a lot less expensive than IVF and it a natural way of rejuvenating the
Thank you very much Dr. Chen
RC 41 and pregnant. June 13th, 2008
I went to Dr Chen for 3 months before getting pregnant. I was nervous I would have problems as I had just turned 38 years old. I was always regular with periods but after going off the pill I had very scant or light periods. When I went to Dr Chen she stated that my circulation or blood flow in my reproductive area was slow. She gave me needles to my ovaries and uterine area and I got pregnant in no time. I am now 39 with a beautiful healthy girl. I plan on going back to Dr Chen in the spring when we try again.
Lori N, N.Y, N.Y |
I was recommended to Dr. Chen by my husbandI was recommended to Dr. Chen by my husband's friend for infertility in the
Spring of 2005. My husband and I had been trying to conceive for more than a
year. We were told by our western doctors that due to my many health problems
that the chances of having a baby were very low. I saw Dr. Chen as a last resort
– and now I realize they should have been the first option I sought. After just
three months of treatment (I usually went once or twice a week), I conceived my
first baby! As a bonus, I felt many of my other health problems get better. The
acupuncture and exercise lessened the frequency of my migraines and helped my
back and leg pain significantly. I even got a bigger appetite! My baby
was born healthy and I cannot be more thankful to Dr. Chen. During my
treatments, I met many people who were suffering from a wide variety of ailments
and they all had positives stories about how Dr. Chen helped them… I
certainly underestimated the power of good Chinese medicine. I highly recommend
Dr. Chen's services to anyone with health problems!
-A.G, Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York |
In July 1998, I was diagnosed with severe dysplasia of the cervix; to
rule out any possibility of cervical cancer I had to go through surgery, a
procedure called cone biopsy, where basically, a cone-shaped piece of my cervix
was removed.
After that, my chances of getting pregnant were reduced. My cervix was not
producing enough of the mucus where my husband’s sperm was supposed to survive
prior to conception. At the same time we also learned that John has a very high
percentage of ‘immature’ sperm, making things even more complicated. My doctor
recommended to start a fertility treatment right away after we saw the results
of a post-coital test: five hours after sex, there were no surviving sperms.
We wanted to have a baby very much, but we also wanted to try to conceive
‘naturally’ first. My gynecologist thought that would be a waste of time. Then,
I went to visit Dr. Zhao Yang Chen, who I met a year before when she helped me
to quit smoking. That was October, three months after surgery. Her diagnosis was
that, at that point, I would not be able to get pregnant because my "pelvis was
too crowded, there is no room for baby.”
We started a treatment based on acupuncture, massages, pelvic exercises and herb
infusions. In the meanwhile, my first Pap-smears after surgery came back normal,
with no sign of dysplasia. It was about December when she finally announced that
my body was in a ‘perfect condition’ and ready for pregnancy.
In January, three months after starting treatment, we got pregnant
(and we should not count December, as my husband was in a two-week business trip
during my ovulation). Indeed it has been a stress-and-frustration-free fertility
treatment. Dr. Chen helped us to ‘pleasantly’ conceive this baby and we can only
be grateful to her.
-J.G, Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York
I went to Dr. Chen last March (1998) in the hope that she could help me with my
infertility problems. Prior to this, I had already undergone infertility tests
and procedures over a period of several years. These included a laparoscopy for
tubal problems, and artificial inseminations. I was 37 years old, and in-Vitro
Fertilization was recommended to me as the right step to take if I wanted to
become pregnant. Medically , I had one completely blocked fallopian tube, on
damaged tube, an immunological problem with my husband’s sperm, and ovarian
problems. To my continued discouragement, I found out from my day 3 blood test
at New York Hospital that if I maintained my FSH and estradiol levels*, I could
not even be a candidate for IVF.
At that point I decided to try acupuncture. I was referred to Dr. Chen by a
friend who was also being treated for infertility problems. I found out on my
initial visit that my body kept a lot of heat and that was damaging to my
ovarian function. Dr. Chen told me it could take 3 to 6 months to see a change
and that she would work on my circulation and other balancing to bring my
temperature down and to regulate my hormones. I felt better after that visit,
and as the treatment went on continued with blood tests at New York Hospital
during each menstrual cycle.
My husband noticed changes in my body during the first month of acupuncture, and
we both felt more able to enjoy making love, and less stressed about "that time
of the month” (ovulation). I drank the herbs regularly that Dr. Chen
recommended. I saw changes in my basal body temperature at each cycle. In that I
would not respond well to medications, based on my past history and medical test
results. But I did respond well to the daily injections, produced a number of
mature eggs, and got a positive pregnancy test. I feel of course
extremely grateful to both Dr. Chen and to the IVF program and doctors
at New York Hospital for my pregnancy. In my case the combination seemed to be
essential, and opened my mind in a very positive direction about both
acupuncture and the possibilities of western medicine.
-J.Y, Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York
I was actually a patient of Dr. Chen's almost five years ago. I am writing this
because till this day I am extremely grateful for her help with my infertility.
I had stage 2 endometriosis, which did a number on my fallopian tubes. A lot of
my hormone markers were also out of the normal range. We tried to conceive
naturally for two years. No luck. my RE recommended IUI. We did it for 2 rounds
with no druggs and then a third with 50mg Clomid and an HCG shot. With no
results, we were told IVF was our only option. We did two rounds of IVF. Both
unsuccessful, which left us emotionally and financially drained. We decided to
adopt. Two years later, we made the decision to try it one more time with a
different RE. The RE told me about a lot of alternative options including
acupuncture. At that time, there was less evidence that acupuncture could help
infertility but my RE said several of his patients had tried it with good
results. I found Dr. Chen through an ad and made my first appointment a month
before I was going to start my IVF cycle. She told me that my body was strong
but there was poor circulation in my lower body which was affecting circulation
in my reproductive organs. She sounded very confident that she can help me. I
went to see her twice a week. To be honest I did not feel much of a difference,
but my RE was monitoring my hormones and the numbers improved significantly. And
looking back, I remember that there was much less pain I and felt better during
my periods (they were usually pretty bad ever since I was a teenager). My IVF
started off very well. I became pregnant and continued to have acupuncture
because I didn't want to lose my only chance. 9 months later we had our daughter
who is now almost in kintergarden. I am absolutely sure that the acupuncture I
recieved from Dr. Chen helped me. If I had to go through another IVF cycle I
would seek Dr. Chen's help without hesitation.
- Citysearch member, NYC, New York |
Dear Dr. Chen,
We’re so happy to be able to share our news with you – our daughter was born on
April 21, 1999.
Thank you again for everything. We will always be grateful and have a special
appreciation for your help in bringing her to us!
I hope all is well with you. I hope to see you again.
With warm wishes and sincerely,
-J.Y, NYC, New York
Hopefully you are having a nice summer! I have been meaning to write you because
I had a very positive experience that I wished to share with you in case the
information could be of use to any of your other patients. I have worked with an
acupuncturist Dr. Eileen Chen at 250 west 57th Street who specializes in women’s
problems… The first effect that I noticed as that the color in my face improved.
Then I went to the gynecologist this spring and she reported that my vaginal
tissues had become so flush that she was having trouble finding my cervix… I am
also happy to report that my bone density increased 11%. I have been taking
Evista, but it occurred to me that [the treatments] may also have contributed to
the improvement.
-J.C (to her doctor), Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York |
I was trying to get pregnant for two and a half years. A year and a half ago I
did get pregnant by insemination. I had lost it after 10 weeks. Slowly slowly my
f.s.h. was climbing. At one point the doc. had left me the option of a donor egg
only. I went from one doc. To another. Nobody wanted to touch me with high
f.s.h., I was looking for any kind of help to take f.s.h level down. I had found
an article from a British paper, talking about infertility treatments supported
by alternative medicine. Acupuncture was one of them. It seemed to me that I had
found something that could help me. I was asking people who are familiar with
the field and that is how I got to doc. Chen.
-T.Z, Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York (Continued Below) |
I came to doc. Chen on the beginning of July 09. She is taking care of me since.
With her help my f.s.h. level went down, and six weeks ago I got pregnant by in
vitro. It was after sevens months that my f.s.h. was too high and no doc was
ready to treat me.
-T.Z, Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York
It’s been just over a year that I’ve been going to Dr. Chen for acupuncture
treatments. The reason is that I want to get pregnant. Prior to that, I have
gone to two fertility clinics in New Jersey and New York. I tried a variety of
drugs, artificial insemination and in vitro.
Unfortunately, nothing worked. The fertility drugs really played with my
emotions, I was depressed and moody. I believe that my mood swings were directly
related to the fertility drugs. Physically and psychologically, I felt terrible.
As a rule, I have a difficult time ingesting aspirin. I prefer naturally
remedies. I also never saw doctors (other than annual check up) before this
ordeal. After two years of the fertility doctors, I decided to seek a more
natural method. That brought me to Dr. Chen.
It took a while for the fertility drugs to get out of my system. Dr. Chen gave
me Chinese herbs, acupuncture treatments and incredible Chinese massage
treatments. Almost immediately, I felt better psychologically.
In her practice, Dr. Chen took the time to get to know me and to understand my
medical history. Her treatment is different for each patient. She treats the
whole – in addition to the symptom.
No doctor or fertility drug was able to get me pregnant. However, last February
I was pregnant for the first time in y life. Unfortunately, I miscarried at the
beginning of my fourth month because I was ill.
We are trying again. This time, I feel quite hopeful. My husband encourages me
to go to Dr. Chen because after each visit, he says I come home in a great mood.
Psychologically, I do feel better. The acupuncture treatments are up lifting.
I see Dr. Chen twice a month. Also after each visit I feel physically better.
The treatments last quite a while. I can honestly say, that I am feeling better
all the time.
I am hopeful that I will get pregnant again. Before the acupuncture and with the
fertility drugs, my temperature readings were always low – averaging about 97.2
all the time. I didn’t ovulate every month. Now, thanks to the acupuncture
treatments, I ovulate and my temperature has been up around 98.2. That’s a big
Once I get pregnant, I plan on continuing treatments with Dr. Chen. After that,
I plan on visiting her four times a year for overall wellness.
-M.H, Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York
If you do not have access to full length articles, we have copies at our NYC