Active Acupuncture - New York - NYC

Experienced Acupuncturists and Healers Serving New York City

Specialists of Acupuncture for Infertility, IVF, Women's Health,
Immune Disorders, Depression, and Pain Relief.

Appointments / Inquiries: (212) 974-2880

Active Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Menopause

Nothing is more important than experience:
Eileen Chen is specialists of women’s health. In China, she studied under world-renowned masters of Chinese traditional medicine, specializing in women’s health and fertility. More than half of their patients are currently being treated for a female-specific disorder. One of the most common disorders they treat is menopause.

Acupuncture relieves the most common symptoms of menopause primarily by regulating the drastic changes in hormone levels women experience during menopause. This leads to a significant decline in hot flashes and an increase in energy, appetite and sense of well-being without the harsh side-effects of hormone replacement therapy.

We can help you:

  • Significantly Reduce hot flashes
  • Overcome fatigue and insomnia
  • Improve symptoms of depression
  • Increase your appetite
  • Improve your body's circulation and cardio-pulmonary functions
  • Regulate menstruation
  • Relieve aches and pains


My husband is a doctor. When I started menopause, he was naturally my primary source of information for dealing with it. He urged me to use hormone replacement therapy as a last resort and look towards exercise, rest, and alternative treatments as a first resort. One of the things he recommended was acupuncture. He cited studies that showed acupuncture can help people like me with hot flushes and other symptoms. I went to Acupuncture for Natural Healing with Dr. Chen, who is a specialist and treats many women like myself. I am in my 3rd week of treatment, and at her urging, am writing about my experience. The acupuncture has truly helped me feel relaxed while my hot flushes have both decreased in frequency and intensity. I could not have asked any more of her and the treatments.
-MM, Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York

Hopefully you are having a nice summer! I have been meaning to write you because I had a very positive experience that I wished to share with you in case the information could be of use to any of your other patients. I have worked with an acupuncturist Dr. Eileen Chen at 250 west 57th Street who specializes in women’s problems… The first effect that I noticed as that the color in my face improved. Then I went to the gynecologist this spring and she reported that my vaginal tissues had become so flush that she was having trouble finding my cervix… I am also happy to report that my bone density increased 11%. I have been taking Evista, but it occurred to me that [the treatments] may also have contributed to the improvement.
-J.C (to her doctor), Active Acupuncture patient, NYC, New York

Scientific Literature

Key points from recent studies:

  1. A Stanford University study found that acupuncture not only decreased the frequency of hot flashes in postmenopausal women, but it also significantly decreased their intensity and improved sleep. (more)
  2. 102 postmenopausal women were recruited into a study comparing the effects of acupuncture and placebo treatments. The study showed that acupuncture significantly reduced hot flashes more than placebo. (more)
  3. Another well-designed study that found that acupuncture is significantly more effective than placebo in treating hot flashes in postmenopausal women. (more)
Quick Facts:
  • Acupuncture has been clinically proven in many studies to reduce hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause.
  • Acupuncture has been proven to be able to change and regulate chemical and hormonal balances.
  • We specialize in women's health and have a great deal of experience in treating the symptoms of menopause.